Saturday, June 16, 2007


That's Rusty having her little nappy in my room

Here she was...such a good girl at the coffee adorable!!

And here she is with her cute tee....

People used to say that mongrels aren't really smart. Well, I'm not too sure about that fact though. I found Rusty near my neighbourhood. She has 3 brothers, white with brown spots all over their body and a brown 'eye patch' like a Jack Russell. I would have taken all four of them back home, but knowing my housemates, they'll go berserk and kick me out of the house!! Rusty was the only one who came and sat beside my leg, licking my toes...she was so adorable!! It was like, she chose me...I wasn't the one making the choice.Ha ha. Such a darling. Back to the smart thing, despite being a mongrel, Rusty can actually shake hands, sit on demand and fetch!! And she learned each of it in only one day!! ;-)

Friday, June 15, 2007


That's Rusty!!!

Hey hey hey people, I am back. and this time, I hope for good. I've been gone for quite a while, had gone through a hell of a time last year till early this year, and things are seemingly better right now. After an emotional roller-coaster ride, I'm somewhat more calmed right now and just laughing at the pictures that were taken when I was on the ride. The pictures reflected how I fought through the hurling wind on the roller-coaster, how I held my breath and screamed at times, knowing that the ride will, eventually-end. It's crazy- the feeling during the ride, i was suffering, man I was. But I'm not going to revel over what has happened (however, hopefully learn from it).

As I begin writing again, I question my ability to journal my life here, as I tend to be extremely lazy and man, this post is sooooo boring. ugh.

I've lost so much weight and gained 2x more now, and gonna have to deal with my binging!! Ha ha.

Anyways, I've got a little puppy now to keep me company. Found her on the street. She's the most adorable dog....

So, hello again, people, i am back.